Aug 21, 2009

Tips for Choosing a New Hairstyle

Changing your hairstyle can be daunting, especially if you have kept the same style for several years. Whether you are trying out a new color, going for a shorter style or adding bangs, it is certainly not a decision to be made lightly. While you can always make changes to a new style, it might take several weeks, months or even years to grow out.

So how can you take the guesswork out of choosing a new hairstyle? The key is to spend some time researching your options, think about your own style needs and experiment with different looks.

1. Do Your Homework Before Choosing a New Hairstyle

Your first step should always be to research different hairstyles in order to get a good idea of what you will like. Never walk into a hair salon with only vague ideas about what you want. In order to communicate with your stylist effectively, you need to know how to describe exactly what you want. Better yet, you should enter a hair salon armed with pictures of the new hairstyle that you want. The clearer and more specific you are, the more likely you will be to get exactly what you want.

2. Think About Your Own Needs and Preferences

Sure, that edge shag hairstyle looks fabulous, but will it really work with your busy lifestyle? If you aren't used to spending long periods of time each morning styling your hair, then you probably should not pick a new hairstyle that is high maintenance. Think about how much time you want to spend each morning on your hair, and then look for a new hairstyle that will work with your schedule. Also consider the amount of care and maintenance that will be required throughout the day. For example, if you work outdoors for large parts of the day, you certainly don't want your hair to be falling in your face all day. Think about these needs, and then plan accordingly.

3. Experiment With Different Looks

In the past, deciding which hairstyles would work with your face and features used to be a guessing game. Fortunately, today there are plenty of online tools that allow you to take the latest hairstyles out for a test drive. Start by taking a good picture of yourself with your hair pulled back out of your face. Then upload you picture to a hairstyle website and try on a wide variety of new hairstyles. The following are just a few of the places where you can try out hairstyles of different lengths and colors.


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